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KHTC India, Ludhiana - Centre for Hair Restoration
Welcome to our state-of-the-art hair restoration(transplant) facility located in Ludhiana Punjab India. KHTC is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss in men and women using the most advanced technologies. At the KHTC India we perform hair surgical restoration using FUE, FUT and Fusion technique, Dr. Sunita Bhardwaj and Dr Suresh Bhardwaj are our surgeon and both intimately participates in all surgical phases (pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative) with all patient's. Dr. Sunita Bhardwaj and Dr Sursh Bhardwaj perform the entire procedure and is assisted by dedicated staff. DR Sunita Bhardwaj and DR Suresh Bhardwaj both are expert in FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant. Patients receive honest assessment of hair loss and best possible treatment options. We understand your concerns and we know your Hair has always been a symbol of who You Are And we Promise You Will Be You Again. No Hidden fees. We present you with all the cost at the consultation. We do not overcharge or have any surprise charges on the day of the procedure. This is not fiction but fact that at KHTC we make Hair Transplant affordable. Our Hospital is among few Hospitals in India which cover all grade of baldness. Our commitment is to deliver our services in a friendly environment. Our main goal is to allow enough time for each and every patient who attended the KHTC Consultations, so all attendees would feel that their visit was worthwhile. Patient satisfaction has always been our priority before, during and after the hair transplant surgery.

Hair Loss
Hair loss can be a very emotional difficult event because hair has an important psychological importance in our society. Most men experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime which can start as early in some men in their early twenties. Androgenetic Alopecia (AA) or common male pattern baldness (MPB) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. By the age of thirty-five (35) over 60% of Indian men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss, and by the age of fifty (50) approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair and only this can be treated by Hair doctors or Hair Surgeon.

Pattern of Baldness
Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern baldness is one of the major causes of baldness in over 90 percent of males in the world. Male Pattern Baldness can be defined as loss of hair at the top, front and/or the vertex/crown of the scalp. In this type of baldness the sides and back of the scalp are usually spared. The major cause of Male pattern baldness is the existence of hormone receptors which are present in the hair roots. These receptors are responsible for attracting the male hormone due to which the hair loss process starts. We are one of the leading names, and are known for treating male pattern baldness effectively.

Female Pattern Baldness
What is female pattern hair loss?
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is a distinctive form of hair loss that occurs in women with androgenetic alopecia. Many women are affected by FPHL. In fact, around 40% of women by age 50 show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women actually reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.

In FPHL, there is diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp due to increased hair shedding or a reduction in hair volume, or both. It is normal to lose up to 50-100 hairs a day. Another condition called chronic telogen effluvium also presents with increased hair shedding and is often confused with FPHL. It is important to differentiate between these conditions as management for both conditions differ.

FPHL presents quite differently from the more easily recognizable male pattern baldness, which usually begins with a receding frontal hairline that progresses to a bald patch on top of the head. It is very uncommon for women to bald following the male pattern unless there is excessive production of androgens in the body.

What is Hair Transplantation
When a person starts to lose hair, the situation is highly alarming for the person as the condition may become serious and may develop into baldness. One of methods to combat hair loss is by making use of the hair transplantation technique. Being into this domain since years, we are engaged in offering hair transplantation services to the patients. Our doctors have successfully restored the patience, and the confidence of a lot of patients by using the Latest technique. Three techniques are basically used in hair transplantation which includes:

FUT (FollicularUnit Transplantation)
FUT is a process where hair is transplanted from the stable zone. This is accomplished by making use of the naturally occurring groups called follicular units

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
FUE(FollicularUnit Extraction)
FUE is a Hair Transplant technique in which we remove the follicular units individually. The hair is then individually transplanted to the bald area.

Fusion Technique
FusionTechnique These days a new technique is also popular that is known as the Fusion technique, in this technique FUT and FUE methods are combined to get more grafts.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant
Eyebrows are a critical facial feature that helps to define the way we look. In many ways, eyebrows are more important to one's appearance than scalp hair, as eyebrows are in a more central position on the face and serve to frame the eyes. Unlike the loss of scalp hair, the loss of one's eyebrows is not viewed as a natural process and is, therefore, not cosmetically acceptable.

Beard hair and Moustaches hair Transplant
Facial hair transplantation is a commonly performed surgical procedure designed to transplant scalp hair to facial regions lacking density and fullness. We specializes in FUE and FUT surgery.. The new hair grafts are then re-implanted in the facial regions requiring greater facial hair density. The design of the beard transplant must be made according to the patient's desires. In the beard there can be design of full Goatee or Moustaches hair Transplant, side burn and in the cheek portion can be wide, High or narrow Strap beard.

PRP Therapy/Hair Treatment
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is concentrated blood plasma which contains approximately three to five times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood. In addition, it contains platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor (TGF) and other bioactive proteins that aid in wound healing and possibly Hair growth treatment. Growth factors in platelet rich plasma (PRP) have been used to facilitate wound healing. Recently, studies have suggested that PRP may also serve as a safe and effective treatment option for male and female pattern hair loss.

Hair Transplant Costs
The cost of hair transplantation/Plantation can vary significantly from one Hair clinic/Hospital/Centre to another. Price is also determined by the total number of grafts you need. It is common practice to reduce the surgical fee if you proceed with a larger procedure. Last but not least, hair transplant cost is largely dependent on the Hair Restoration doctor/Surgeon. The price differential can be as much as 50% or more depending on the Hair surgeon and Hair Clinics/Hospital/Centre you choose.

When it comes to making a hair transplant decision, we encourage patients to make your decision not based on the price alone. There are very expensive doctors who do poor work, and there are inexpensive doctors who do top notch work as well. Go with Hair Transplant surgeon/Doctors who produce consistent results over an extended period of time. We also give total hair transplant cost package instead of cost per graft.

The medical information on this site is only for information and this information is not for diagnostic or treatment purposes result may vari person to person. This information is not substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.Kindly consult us before making any decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. Karam skin, laser and hair transplant is not responsible, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site.. The treatment result varies from patient to patient and no guarantee of treatment is given.