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ACNE, also called Pimples is Universal.From teenage years acne occurs in most individuals in varying grades.


  1. Comedonal which may be white heads (closed pores) or blackheads (open pores)
  2. Papules and pustules which have red boils or pus filled lesions
  3. Nodulocystic in which large nodules merging with each other may be found
  4. Scars which may be recent and red colored flat lesions or older ones in the form of pits.

Why to treat acne?

Acne should be treated even in early stages as it may leave unsightly scars which are later difficult to treat.

Severe acne can be psychologically disturbing and affects interpersonal relationships Many times acne may be a sign of hormonal disturbance like in Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Treatments Available

After consultation with Dr. Sunita Bhardwaj you will be explained what type of acne you are suffering from.If any investigations are required those will be advised.

According to the severity of acne, medications will be advised either only local applications or both oral medicines and local applications. When deemed necessary Cryo slush , Chemical peels, Comedone expression, Laser treatment will be advised.

Scar management using Laser , Micro needling etc is done Pre treatment and Post treatment care is explained well to all patients individually and all Consultations,follow ups and procedures are performed by our Doctors themselves

he medical information on this site is only for information and this information is not for diagnostic or treatment purposes result may vari person to person. This information is not substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.Kindly consult us before making any decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. Karam skin, laser and hair transplant is not responsible, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site.. The treatment result varies from patient to patient.